We aspire to give future generations - a gift of the past

"The time to start a computer museum is when technology artifacts are still lying around in back rooms and the stories that accompany them are fresh and first hand. Fifty years from now, attempting to assemble original early UofS computing artifacts and the tales of their use - would be too late." -Rob Grosse, first Museum Chair 2002-2012


"Before You Toss, Consider the Loss."

The University of Saskatchewan Computer Museum, founded in 2002, exists with a mission to "Intercept, Preserve, Interpret, and Celebrate computing history on behalf of the University of Saskatchewan Community".  This statement, and our vision to "Be the trusted Saskatchewan authority for computing history", were both updated in 2015 to better reflect our evolving sense of purpose.

While we are actively collecting physical assets and the stories that go with them, We do not yet have a single large physical museum location to visit (with tours and staff) although it is our hope we can get there some day. Please be aware of this if you choose to come to campus and see our items. Our museum does however have a few small exhibit cabinets around our campus and we encourage you to visit them. 

In addition to our self-guided tour, please check out our miniature video game console display on the 3rd Floor of the old (1924) wing of the Thorvaldson building.

 In 1957, the University of Saskatchewan became one of the first universities in Canada to obtain a computer; an LGP-30. It was a joint purchase between the University and the National Research Council’s Prairie Research Laboratory.

The department of Computational Science (as it was known back then) bolstered teaching and research activities through the shared use of a series of mainframes until the acquisition of its own minicomputer, a DEC PDP 11/20, in 1972.

In 2018, The University of Saskatchewan Computer Museum was proud to have partnered with the Musuem of Antiquities to help celebrate the Department of Computer Science's 50th Anniversary. 

Three decades after being established at the U of S, the Department of Computer Science had been cited more frequently per paper than any other Computer Science department in Canada, according to a research impact study.


(Shown: Circa ~1966, Bernie Molaro, a long-time employee of the University of Saskatchewan, is seen standing next to an IBM 7040. The seated individual is likely an IBM employee sent to assist with deployment.)