Artifact Donations
Do you have a groovy artifact you'd like to offer as a donation? Send us an email at and tell us about it. While we are limited in the volume of items we can accept these days, we are particularly interested in hearing about tech items that have a UofS connection or story attached to them.
Monetary Donations
Interested in pledging a one time or small monthly donation to the UofS Computer Museum? Please visit see and mention the UofS Computer Museum on the form- with our thanks! Your donation will help preserve and interpret tech artifacts - allowing future generations UofS Visitors to experience the many technical stepping stones it took - to arrive at the technologies we all enjoy today.
Past Benefactors
The University of Saskatchewan Computer Museum would like to thank the following groups and people for their generous past financial contributions:
- Campus Computer Store (now known as UofS IT Requisitions)
- U of S: Office of the CIO & AVP ICT
- University of Saskatchewan
- In Memory of Norman Roebuck
- In Memory of Neil Johnson